Page Title

Hero Subheading

Story subpages share the same functionality as the Home Page. You have access to all of the different story blocks which you may place and configure to best display your content. Story subpages may be used to build illustrated, magazine-style biography pages; robust, illustrated history and timeline pages; detailed service pages; and more. 

Story subpages may have Hero story blocks which contain the page H1. The subpage hero retains all of the configurations of the home page hero. You may use the extra class .hero-minimal for a simplified, shorter hero. Or if your story subpage does not include a hero at all the page will fallback to the page title as the H1 on the page.


Each and every Story Block is responsive, ensuring that your content is optimized for all devices, from desktop to laptop to tablet to smartphone.

Titles are optional

You can add an H2 title to any story block, but the title is optional. This is a Text story block, which is similar to an Image & text story block but has no images and has less padding by default. A Text story block is intended to be used in-line with other illustrative story blocks to enable a magazine-like page.

Donec pretium lorem est, eu pellentesque ligula tempus nec. Quisque nec magna rhoncus, tempor sapien non, convallis est. Aliquam dapibus sit amet tortor sed condimentum. Morbi leo tellus, gravida at enim vitae, pretium egestas nulla. Sed eget porttitor turpis, quis venenatis leo. Fusce ac ornare lacus, non vehicula ligula. In tincidunt tristique aliquam. Vestibulum nec mi est. Mauris sed tortor vel nibh porta luctus. Fusce sed cursus tortor, quis mattis velit. Vestibulum at ipsum tincidunt, tincidunt est interdum, tincidunt mi. Donec lorem mauris, pellentesque in dapibus in, vehicula sit amet ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris eu quam a enim imperdiet volutpat bibendum eleifend odio. Mauris eleifend massa et condimentum tincidunt. Proin congue, mauris convallis vestibulum ornare, massa ante scelerisque odio, ut euismod tellus massa id turpis.

Aenean fringilla nibh at erat aliquam ultricies. Donec quis eros at augue maximus scelerisque. Nunc nec mi nec magna faucibus porta sagittis non mi. Cras et eleifend diam. Nam at vestibulum turpis. Ut dapibus ac lacus quis consectetur. Maecenas sed interdum dui.

Image & Text story blocks may be used on Story subpages.

This Image & Text story block has dark-bg added as an extra class. this enables the colors for the "dark theme" which may be managed in the "Dark/light theme context" section of the Sass Variable customizer. Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash